

  1. 两厢情愿关系政策的原则和依据
    师生关系的完整性是大学教育使命的基础. 这种关系使老师获得了相当大的信任, 谁, 反过来, 作为导师承担权威和责任, 教育家, 和评估者. The unequal institutional power inherent in this relationship heightens the vulnerability of the student and the potential for coercion. The pedagogical relationship between teacher and student must be protected from influences or activities that can interfere with learning consistent with the goals and ideals of the University. 类似的, the University is committed to the principle of protecting the integrity and objectivity of its staff members in the performance of their University duties.

    It is therefore fundamental to the University’s overall mission that the professional responsibilities of its faculty and staff be carried out in an atmosphere that is free of conflicts of interest that compromise these principles.
  2. 利益冲突
    虽然利益冲突问题是可以解决的, 在一种双方同意的涉及权力差异的浪漫或性关系中, 造成严重后果的可能性仍然存在. 与学生建立关系的教员或职员, 或者一个主管和一个下属, 如果存在专业权力差异,必须意识到:

    • 双方进入这种关系的原因可能是权力差异的函数;
    • 如果被指控性骚扰, 在双方同意的基础上,对这种指控进行辩护是极其困难的;
    • 在这段关系中拥有权力的人可能会承担责任.
    Power differentials between the parties in a consensual relationship may give rise to other serious problems even when conflicts of interest are avoided or resolved. 即使没有受到具体的威胁,权力较小的学生或员工也可能害怕遭到报复. 相反, 即使没有做出具体的承诺,权力较小的学生或员工也可能希望得到奖励. 内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校全体教员, 教职员工和学生应充分意识到,学校政策禁止性骚扰.
  3. 政策
    职业操守标准载于 内布拉斯加大学科尔尼专业行为委员会-规则和程序第2节“受委员会管辖的专业行为标准” (1991年12月5日最大的菠菜的平台教务委员会通过.1995年1月和1999年11月修订)


    Shall recuse herself/himself from all circumstances in which the professional staff member bears primary authority and accountability as a mentor, 教育家, 任何学生的评估者或监督者, faculty or staff with 谁m the professional staff member is involved in a consensual 浪漫的 or sexual relationship.

    Although the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney does not prohibit consensual 浪漫的 or sexual relationships between faculty and student or supervisor and employee, 它强烈反对他们. 所有教师, supervisors and other employees should understand that there are substantial risks in even an apparently consensual relationship where a power differential exists. 这是, 其中一方可能对另一方的任务有影响, 成绩, 或者雇佣条款. 当事人之间固有的权力差异可能会损害选择的自由. 此外, perceptions of favoritism may cause third parties to believe they are being disadvantaged by a consensual 浪漫的 or sexual relationship between a faculty and student or supervisor and subordinate employee regarding assignments, 年级, 或者雇佣条款

    内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校 reaffirms the generally accepted ethical principle that situations in which one makes official evaluations of individuals with 谁m they are intimate should be avoided. 如果一个亲密的关系与情感纽带发展, 教员或主管负有特殊的责任.
  4. 回避责任
    为此目的, 体育菠菜大平台 policy requires recusal (the relinquishment of the supervisory role) when supervisory or evaluative relationships exist between members of the university community 谁 share sexual, 浪漫的, 或者家庭关系. 本政策涵盖但不限于具有以下专业关系的人员:

    • 所有教员(不论终身教职或合同制)及其学生;
    • Supervisors and the employees they supervise; and
    • 学生或雇员和管理员, 教练, 顾问, 辅导员, 或对学生或员工负有监督责任的住宿工作人员.
    Should a personal relationship develop between members of the 体育菠菜大平台 community 谁 are also in a supervisory or an evaluative relationship, the person in the position of greater authority shall recuse herself/himself; that is, shall relinquish (with or without explanation) the supervisory or evaluative role and make suitable arrangements for the objective performance or academic evaluation of the other. 当回避发生时, 必须书面通知被监督工作的人回避.
  5. 解决冲突
    1. The responsibility for declaration of recusal lies with the person in the position of greater authority in the relationship. The declaration shall be made to that person's immediate administrative supervisor (department or program chair/director, 迪安, 或者副校长). 冲突的解决通常会在第一级管理(部门/项目)中完成。. 如果在这个层面上解决不了问题, resolution will be sought at each successive level of 体育菠菜大平台 administration up to and including the appropriate Vice Chancellor.
    2. Any person 谁 is aggrieved by a consensual 浪漫的 or sexual relationship (and/or the negative conditions presented as a result of such a relationship) may seek resolution by presenting her/his concerns to the administrative supervisor (department or program chair/director, 迪安, (或副校长)可被回避的教员或职员. 这是第一级分辨率.

      With recognition that reporting and/or complaint circumstances may be intimidating or harmful to the aggrieved party, the complainant is encouraged to seek assistance through the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney's Ombudsperson 谁 will provide policy interpretation and guidance to the complainant. 视情况而定, the Ombudsperson may determine that it is in the complainant's best interests for the Ombudsperson to make initial efforts at conflict resolution with the appropriate administrative supervisor on behalf of the complainant.
    3. In the event that either one of the two following conditions does not remove the conflict associated with a consensual relationship, any person aggrieved by this lack of resolution may file charges of professional misconduct with the Professional Conduct Committee against a person 谁 fails to recuse herself/himself or to establish an objective oversight process in accordance with these procedures. 条件是:

      1. Recusal actions associated with a consensual relationship do not resolve the conflict; or
      2. Resolution of the conflict created by a consensual relationship is not accomplished by recusal or appeal to successive higher administrative offices.
  6. 有条件的监督
    In the event of unique and unusual circumstances where as described would seriously and adversely disadvantage the academic or professional future of the person under supervision or evaluation, the supervisory or evaluative relationship may as a last resort be retained when specific provision is made with the next higher administrative officer (Department Chair or Director, 迪安, (副校长),以客观监督学校的表现.